Dr. Otto Warberg received the Nobel prize for discovering the cause of cancer - this being lack of oxygen (or low alkaline pH). Scientists have found that healthy people have systems that are alkaline.
An acidic body is a breeding ground for disease but no disease can exist in an alkaline environment. Japanese medicine has proven this over the last 15 years. Alkaline Antioxidant Water can restore proper alkaline pH in the body within weeks. Raising the pH level of your body will assist your immune system to fight off bacteria, viruses, fungi, and degenerative illnesses such as:
Water For Vital Health
Water sustains all forms of human life. Your body is 70-80% water. Water adjusts the body’s temperature and assists in digestion. It removes toxins from the body, and also makes necessary body fluids. The qualities and properties of the water we drink can determine the quality of our health.
Without enough fluids, your body panics and clings to fluid, resulting in: loss of thirst, weight gain, swollen hands and feet, and constipation (the body will remove needed water from the colon). Diuretics can force out retained water, but will take essential nutrients with them. Water is a natural diuretic (prevents fluid retention). Water is responsible for transporting nourishment to every living cell and is the key to all bodily functions. Water is a “magic potion” for optimal physical fitness. About three quarters of the human brain is water.
Did you know that a headache may just be your body’s way of asking for more water?
Try a glass next time WITHOUT the aspirin and watch your headache disappear!
35 years of experience and 10 years of medical research have proven to the Japanese that Alkaline Antioxidant Water not only helps to prevent but also to reverse chronic illness.
How Much Water Should I Drink?
Under normal conditions, the average person requires 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water a day. Optimally, you should consume 1/2 an ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. For example, a 100 lb. person needs 50 ounces (seven 8-ounce glasses) every day.
But I Drink Lots Of Other Fluids, ie. Tea, Juice, Pop, Etc. Do I Still Need This Much Water?
When you consume water that has added flavours and ingredients, your body must first filter out these additives before it can use the pure water to detoxify and nourish your cells. This means extra work for your liver, kidneys, and intestines. By starting with pure clean alkaline water, you ease the strain on these organs and free them up to work on cleansing and filtering your food - not to mention the highly acidic nature of carbonated drinks ! !
Did you know . . . It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 ounce cola!!!
When Should I Drink Water?
There are three times a day when drinking water is most efficient: not with food, but twenty minutes before or twenty minutes after eating. You don't want to dilute the potency of your digestive enzymes by drinking water with your meals.
The best times to drink water are:
That’s 12 glasses of water - see how easy it is!!
Why Alkaline Antioxidant Water?
Ordinary tap water has 11 to 13 molecules per cluster. Alkaline Antioxidant Water molecule clusters are half that size, with 6 or 7 molecules per cluster. This makes microwater a “wetter” water. Due to its smaller clusters, Alkaline Antioxidant Water is superhydrating and readily absorbed by your body. When your body has more water to work with, it is better able to deliver nutrients to all the cells, tissues, and organs.
Alkaline Antioxidant Water transports nutritional substances to the cells and eliminates waste within 25 minutes, unlike standard water that takes approximately two and a half hours. And perhaps, most importantly, electron-charged Alkaline Antioxidant Water readily gives up its electrons to stabilize oddball oxygen free radicals, thus protecting our body cells and making them less susceptible to infection and disease.
Alkaline Antioxidant Water has 3 significant, health-enhancing benefits not shared by standard or filtered water:
1. an alkaline pH
2. smaller and more efficient molecular clusters
3. free electrons that scavenge free radicals.
A Water Comparison
Bottled Water which has been sitting on a store shelf, lacks vitality and often mineral content as well.
Tap Water If your water supply is city water, it is probably chlorinated and may also have added fluoride - both are known carcinogens and highly acidic.
Alkaline Antioxidant Water tastes like mountain spring water and enhances the delivery of nutrients to your cells. It makes acidic foods more alkaline, disarms free radicals, and increases stable oxygen levels in your body.
The product of an innovative technology, Alkaline Antioxidant Water is super-hydrating and energizing as a result of electrolysis filtering, which removes bacteria, chlorine, fluoride, other chemicals, sediment, and bad tastes and odours, leaving the vital minerals for easy absorption by our bodies.
Alkaline Water Can Save Your Life!
All illness stems from the same root cause . . . too much tissue acid waste in the body! Viruses, fungi, and bacteria can only survive in an acid environment. If you change the environment (your inner terrain), you eliminate the ability for these enemies to deplete your health.